So Long, 2019!
Well, another year is about to shut down. Nay, an entire decade! What did you get done in that time?
Back in 2010, I was a high school science teacher. So in the last ten years, I have moved four times (two of those being to Hawaii and back!) That covers teaching at two different schools, moving out of the public school system and into my one-and-only office job as a curriculum writer and editor, and finally starting my own business when I realized how much I loved the editing portion of that.
I have had only one dog in that time, though. My fourteen-year-old dog had a health scare over the holidays, but she is doing better now. Fingers crossed her kidney disease is manageable and she keeps being feisty for heaps longer!
A Decade in the Life of Chicago… Style, That Is
As for the writing world, in 2010, Chicago Manual of Style released their sixteenth edition. This edition did a lot to bring “Chicago style fully into the digital age,” both in content and the fact it was the first edition to be published in both hard copy and digitally. Which is a great metaphor for how much technology has changed in the last ten years. It was just starting to take over all aspects of our lives back then. But as we look back on it, it seems like the technology has always been there. How did we live without smartphones?! And how inefficient was editing when style guides needed to be searched by hand to find the information you needed?
I’ve never been one to plan out my life way ahead. I like to try new things, and I get bored easily. So I cannot begin to guess where I will be in 2029 or what I will be doing. But I hope I’ll still be entertaining you and you will be a published writer!
Let me know in the comments below how your decade has been (or even just your holidays if you don’t feel like reflecting any further back).
And have a very happy new year!
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