Confession: I am not a writer!

I am a chameleon who can change to fit your style and voice
Just like this chameleon is starting to mimic my brand colors, I can mimic your style and voice! Photo by Egor Kamelev from Pexels

I am not a writer, I’m a chameleon—and it makes me a better editor.


Since I am not an author, you do not have to worry about my writing style and voice warring with your own.

In fact, I am the kind of person who absorbs what I have been recently exposed to. I call it being a chameleon.

I generally hope that only those closest to me can tell when I have absorbed someone else’s mannerisms.

For example, after a few days of binge-watching Gilmore Girls back in my teaching days, I would notice myself talking faster and throwing a lot of cultural references into my lessons.

I don’t think any of my students noticed, or if they did, they probably just thought I had an extra cup or two of coffee.

The times I really hope no one notices is when I emulate another’s accent. Although I have heard that it can make someone more comfortable around you to hear their own way of saying things, I fear that they will take insult from it, like I’m mocking them (which I am NOT doing! It is totally unconscious.)

How does this help me?

After spending some time in the universe you have created with your writing, I am able to fully immerse myself. This means that I fully embrace your voice, style, and mannerisms. Revisions sound like they belong, they’re your words—only grammatically correct and with more clarity.

As an outsider, I can see where you skipped an idea, while your brain assumes you put it there, because you meant to!

Looking for a chameleon to polish your work?

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